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2_unique location_edited_improved quality

Unique Location

Xinjiang's Yanqi Basin is situated in the mid-latitude temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. It exhibits a relatively typical continental climate yet also embodies basin climate characteristics. This distinctive environment has fostered exceptional paprika quality, with paprika yields ranking among the top in China.


Moreover, Xinjiang's arid climate, characterised by minimal rainfall, provides optimal conditions for drying and storing paprika. Paprika dried in the Xinjiang desert boasts higher colour intensity, superior dryness, and a reduced likelihood of producing Ochratoxin-A.


At RichHot, we recognise the invaluable contribution of Xinjiang's natural bounty to the quality and safety of our paprika products. By harnessing the gifts of this land, we ensure that every batch of paprika that bears the RichHot name is imbued with the essence of excellent quality.

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